MUGS & JUGS PODCAST // Episode 004 – Expectations vs. Reality

Now that we’ve covered off a couple preliminary topics (introductionsbirth storiessurviving infancy), we are starting to add some #realtalk to the momcast. This week we are discussing expectations vs. reality as we each transitioned into our new roles in parenthood, whether that’s from one child to two or from no children at all.

As is the way for everything in motherhood, no two experiences/babies/relationships/fill-in-the-blank are the same. We all have completely different experiences to share, so I hope there will be something in there you can take away for yourself in your own parenting journey.

We absolutely love getting comments, so if you gave the podcast a listen, consider leaving us a note about it. Then, pat yourself on the back for making our day complete! Thanks for listening!


MUGS & JUGS PODCAST // Episode 005 – Mom guilt


Making your own baby food: A simple how-to guide + free printable